Quilt Project

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

I is for Ivan

I is for Ivan

My nephew, Ivan, is turning one in a matter of days. His party is this weekend, and I am doing my best to finish quilt before we celebrate.

"I" detail

I had been waiting for one of the local quilt shops to get "Bella", the most recent line by Lotta Jandotter, in. A quilting buddy, who works at The Quilt Company, let me know some of the line had arrived last week, which led to an impromptu fabric binder. The print used as a part of the "I" is called "Lind."

Makes me think of buildings and blocks

When designing quilts for babies and toddlers I tend to go simple and bold. I don't enjoy over-complicating my quilts, and I think simple and bold is more appealing to babies' developing eyes. Tomorrow I start quilting. I will be using the same print for the backing fabric.